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2024-2025 Registered Skaters Volunteer Information


Volunteer Policy

As you can appreciate, the Calgary Synchronized Skating Club (CSSC) is dependent on a strong volunteer commitment to support the success of our club and our skaters. The CSSC requires each skater (or a designate) or parent, if skater is under the age of 18, to agree to make two mandatory volunteer commitments during the year (support skaters are excluded from this requirement). Volunteer requirements for families with greater than 2 skaters will be capped at 2 skaters. The first two commitments below are fundraisers for the club. No refunds or credits will be issued until the volunteer commitment is fulfilled or the financial alternative is paid in lieu of the personal time commitment. A penalty of $500 will be assessed to the skater’s account if they are unable to fulfill the volunteer commitments outlined above and below.

  1. The 2024 Casino (July 19-20, 2024) - CSSC requires that every skater provide a worker(s), being the skater and/or their designate (minor skaters require a designate) to work one shift during the Casino. Preference will be given to the Elite 12 and Novice team.


  2. The 2024 RoseBowl Competition (Dec 14, 2024) - CSSC requires that every skater provide a worker(s), being the skater and/or their designate, to work one shift during the 2024 RoseBowl Competition.


  3. Skaters or designate(s) must volunteer for at least one job in a club position or through team duties. Skaters are encouraged to volunteer, but their families are welcome to be involved too. You can select a club volunteer role that interests you via the website or you can select a team volunteer role through your coach/managers. Note, we will try and accommodate requests for volunteer roles but there are no guarantees you will receive the volunteer role you request.

A volunteer bond is applied to skaters who did not complete their volunteer commitment the previous session. The bond is $150 (beginner, elementary, juvenile) and $250 for all other teams. The bond cheque will be provided to the club secretary and returned at the end of the season if volunteer commitment has been completed.

Volunteer Sign-Up


You are required to volunteer for either a Club Role or a Team Role.

Club Roles: To sign up for a club role, please do so by clicking the button below.

Team Role: To sign up for a team role, please talk to your coaches/managers about available roles. *Team Roles vary by team level. 

*Families with more than 2 registered skaters are only required to select 2 volunteer roles. If selecting two club roles, once you select one role the website will send you to your cart, please just re-click the link (button) below to select your second role. (This page can be found under the 'current members' tab). 

Select My Volunteer Role




What are all the roles available?

Here is a list of all the volunteer roles available in the club (including roles that have already been filled). If a role has already been filled but appeals to you for the next year, please let us know and we will be in touch when the time comes. *Please note that not all teams need all these team roles filled. It vary's depending on the team level. 


Who Has to Volunteer?

Each skater (or a designate/parent if the skater is under the age of 18). Skaters are encouraged to volunteer, but their families are welcome to be involved too.


Do Support Skaters / Skaters in Training Need to Volunteer?

No. They are both excluded from this requirement.


What if I skate and have children skating with the club? 

Volunteer requirements for families with greater than 2 skaters will be capped at 2 skaters. 


How do I join executive or a sub-committee?

Executive and sub-committee roles are filled during the summer between seasons. If a role appeals to you please reach out to to let us know so we can be in touch when roles are being filled the next time. 

We commit to work hard and respect each other in order to have fun, pursue excellence and reach our goals.